he could not help having compassion for the poor man 意味

  • そのかわいそうな人に同情せざるを得なかった


        have compassion for the poor:    貧しい人に同情{どうじょう}する
        show compassion to the poor:    貧しい人たちに同情{どうじょう}する[思いやりを示す]
        he man:    {名} :
        he-man:     hé-màn 【名】 (複-men) 【C】 ((略式))男らしい人;たくましい人.
        man such as he:    彼のような男、彼みたいな男
        such a man as he:    あのような男、ああいう男
        help the poor:    貧しい人々{ひとびと}を助ける
        could use a little help:    ちょっと手伝ってもらえると有り難い[手伝ってもらったらいいかもしれない]、もうちょっとどうにかなるのではないか◆控えめな言い方。
        poor man:    poor man 貧乏人 びんぼうにん
        poor man's:    {形} : (商品{しょうひん}などが)廉価版{れんかばん}の、お徳用の、経済的{けいざい てき}な、安っぽい
        the poor man's:     the póor màn's O …の代用品,廉価版.
        rich man, poor man:    {著作} : 富めるもの貧しきもの◆米1970《著》アーウィン?ショー(Irwin Shaw)
        real he-man:    誠に男らしい人
        such a rich man as he:    彼のような金持ち
        twice the man he was:    《be ~》2倍も元気になる、見違えるほど元気になる


  1. "he could not face the humiliation of an ignominious return" 意味
  2. "he could not find her pulse" 意味
  3. "he could not fully mask his disappointment" 意味
  4. "he could not get along well with the others" 意味
  5. "he could not go through with the work" 意味
  6. "he could not help mentioning that his daughter looked pale" 意味
  7. "he could not hide his frustration" 意味
  8. "he could not hide his joy at her return" 意味
  9. "he could not hold back a wince at the impact of the explosions" 意味
  10. "he could not get along well with the others" 意味
  11. "he could not go through with the work" 意味
  12. "he could not help mentioning that his daughter looked pale" 意味
  13. "he could not hide his frustration" 意味

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